"ITSA RHODOPE", based in Komotini, Greece (30, Ermou Street), with an ID number: 048077458, Domestic Taxation Office. (Hereinafter referred to as the "Company") in the framework of the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679, which entered into force on 25/05/2018, hereinafter referred to as the "GDPR" as applicable, hereby provides you with the following information on the processing of your personal data and your rights as the subject of processing. The new Regulation replaces the existing legal framework for the protection of individuals from the processing of personal data. From the above date any reference to the provisions of Law 2472/1997, is meant to refer to the provisions of the new "GDPR".
This disclosure is addressed to natural persons who engage in any transaction with the Company, including, but not limited to, Clients who have a permanent relationship with the Company or passing Clients, their legal representatives, their special or universal successors, representatives of legal entities and any natural person who in any capacity has business relations with the Company.
The processing of personal data consists of collecting, registering, organizing, structuring, storing, changing, retrieving, seeking information, using, transmitting, restricting or deleting personal data that have come to or come to the knowledge of the Company, either in the course of your business relationship with it or in the course of information received by the Enterprise from a third natural or legal person or public sector entity in the exercise of a legitimate right of it or of the Company.
The Company, in compliance with the applicable legal framework, has taken all necessary action by implementing the appropriate technical and organizational measures for the lawful maintenance, processing and safe storage of the personal data file, committed to safeguarding and protecting in any way processing your personal data from loss or leakage, alteration, transmission, or any other unlawful processing of your personal data.
These terms are formulated taking into account both the rapid development of technology, and in particular the Internet, and the existing - albeit not fully developed - network of legal provisions on these issues. In this context, any relevant regulation will be the subject of this section.